Archive for 2008年10月


10月 21, 2008




经济危机尽管离中国还有距离,但如我这般的小白领们,已经惶惶不可终日地贮藏起了过冬的大白菜。本周值得记入本办公室金融记事簿的,除了我的卖楼举动,还有小宝的送包行动。小宝是典型的杭州女人,和老公各有一份比上不足比下有余的工作,拜去年股市的福,手头多了些可支配财产,正在思量是否该跨入时尚的门槛,完成从淘宝到连卡佛的转变。结果,美国道指一破万,小宝追逐奢侈品的念头灭得比秋天的蚊子还快。但是,就在这时候,有个朋友,送了她一只Burberry 的包!经过前期的时尚扫盲,小宝已经很清楚一只新款的Burberry包价值几何。经过若干天痛苦的挣扎,当看到冰岛股市史无前例二五折大促销的举动后,小宝毅然将此包转送他人。



Eddy Groves说,成功与财富无关

10月 15, 2008

Eddy Groves, the founder and former chief executive of embattled childcare group ABC Learning, has made his first public appearance since leaving the company, speaking at an Ipswich Chamber of Commerce lunch in Queensland yesterday.

In a wide-ranging speech, Groves has blamed short-sellers and rumour-mongers for causing the sharp drop in ABC’s share price in February, which forced Eddy and his wife LeNeve to sell their shareholdings to meet a market call.

“I saw rumours that were rife about the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard,” Groves told the lunch. “As that starts to happen, the media starts to build up, the share price starts to fall, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Groves also admitted the company was not well enough prepared for its expansion into the US, but said the then soaring Australian dollar and collapse in global credit markets took the company by surprise.

But he said the decision to go into the US was partly driven by investors desperate for the company to keep growing.

“There is an enormous amount of pressure that the public market can put on a company to continue to grow. Even though you tell yourself not to fall into that trap, it’s very difficult not to, because the share price continues to grow, the returns were continuing to grow, and people want you to maintain that pace."

When it was clear that ABC was in trouble, fear set in.

“That’s a scary place to be, when you feel like you are holding back a dam that is about to break – and the reason why it is about to break is not because of the foundations of the dam but because there is so much water coming,” he said.

“No matter how strong the foundations are, it’s going to knock it over. So, of course, during those times there were a lot of dark moments, a lot of lost sleep.”

Groves, whose personal fortune was valued at $350 million when ABC’s shares were at their peak in early 2007, says the loss of his fortune has taught him about the real value of long-term success.

"The one thing I have learnt over the last 12 months is crystallised very well in my mind, that certainly success is not driven by personal wealth.

"As quick as it can come, it can go," he said.

Groves also admitted he did not fit the normal mould of a CEO, but he urged budding entrepreneurs not to be scared off by his experiences.

The organisers of the lunch presented Groves with a book called Fat, Forty and Fired.

According to reports, Groves denied he was fat.



10月 13, 2008
上周五,把正在建的房子的第4次付款的发票fax到Queensland progress payment center,随后打电话给贷款的代理,想让她督促payment center不要延误付款,结果听到的却是语音留言,说她已经不在commonwealth bank工作,请她的客户联系xxx。由于银行借贷迅速减少,贷款代理已经纷纷下岗。


10月 10, 2008
俺甚至怀疑俺的胃口现在是不是变得太好了,什么样的货色都能听得进去。前两天刚好看了一个周杰伦的访谈节目,基本扫除了俺的自我怀疑。访谈中提到了罗大佑、黄舒骏、陶喆这些上一辈人(陶喆也许不能算)都对杰伦评价很高,甚至说如果没有周杰伦,不知道台湾的流行音乐现在会是什么样子。这三个人俺自己很喜欢,大多数人大概也是认可的吧。 下面是《稻香》和《兰亭序》


10月 2, 2008